Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Sea resort center ... Mkal amazing holiday dreams!

Maldives is one of the most beautiful areas of apparent magic of nature in the best of forms, and we will see a great place seems spectacle of a thousand and one nights:

Named  W Retreat and Spa is located on the island Fasdo in the Maldives in the Indian Ocean.
The hotel consists Like most hotels Maldives of Albangalo houses water to make, and that was provided by a glass allows visitors a panoramic view of the nature of the scenery around him.

Wonderful in the design of this resort is collected for originality in harmony with nature on the one hand, and architectural elements and elegant garden on the other hand:

However such a secluded location private spaces are available for transportation you can turn your plane beside your home!!:

Of course (as you expect), this resort is one of the most expensive resorts in the world!


Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Attractiveness of Greece 2013

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Friday, January 4, 2013

Grand Canyon of Colorado in America

Grand Canyon of Colorado:

You can not identify the most beautiful tourist places in the world without visiting a ditch or   

gully Grand Kanyounfy Colorado in America and the reason groove is the Colorado River,

which made ​​his way in the rock plateau and making this groove that Tangier is one the

most  important and most beautiful tourist destinations in the world and the length of groove

about 349 kilometers there will enjoy seeing the most beautiful landscapes I have not seen

eye before.


Thursday, January 3, 2013

Pangong Lake in India

Pangong Lake in India

These lake wonderful in Ladakh in India and overlooking the Himalayas, one of the    

grandest  and most beautiful tourist places in the world, this place is considered a spot

witch  on the ground and if you decide to visit in the winter you will see the frozen surface of

the lake, thus giving it more charm and deserves this lake deserved that be one of the most

beautiful tourist places in the world.