Thursday, October 18, 2012

Hermitage Museum in St. Peters burg

Hermitage Museum in St. Peters burgPeters burg Hermitage MuseumThe ancient name of Leningrad, Russian city located in the northwest of Russia in the delta of the Neva River, east of the Gulf of Finland, in the Baltic Sea.And is considered one of the greatest cultural centers of Europe and Russia's second largest city, and the fourth largest city in Europe, and there are Russia's most important ports in the Baltic Sea. Founded by Tsar Peter I in the year 1703 "as a window overlooking the Europe", and was the capital of the country for more than two centuries.
Hermitage Museum
Dating the birth of the Hermitage Museum in St. Peters burg to the second half of the eighteenth century, an era of prosperity of the Russian Empire during the reign of Catherine II. Annexation of the Hermitage Museum in the offing business group's Leonardo Vince,  and Raphael and others, and was purchased in Italy. After the Bolshevik Revolution announced the Imperial Hermitage property of the state Soviet annexation of museum collections, which were scattered on the outskirts of Peters burg and private collections, which were seized and nationalized, doubled inventory of the museum.Under the rule of Stalin, ordered the government to sell more than two thousand masterpiece, including some of the most valuable groups and included some of the antiques are priceless.As in recent years, Hermitage has spilled over to the adjacent buildings of the General Staff, and launched several ambitious projects abroad. Since there are branches of international Hermitage Museum is located in Amsterdam, London, La's Vegas and Ferrari, Italy, while it closed Hermitage Museum in London permanently in November 2007

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