Italian hotel Le Grotte Della Civita is a funky hotel play a prominent role and rocks meet the past with the present,
Although there are several luxury hotels near him but he preferred to maintain a
Heritage town of Sassi Sassi in Matera Matera southern Italy,
And restores the spirit of where they lived hundreds of years ago, when they were living
Inside the caves, and present a witness to that life in the town of Sassi when
We find that this region is built all homes and buildings of stone and streets
Cobbled during the Byzantine Empire, has announced Organization
UNESCO in 1993 as a World Heritage site
Offers visitors luxury accommodation within the potential
Caves back to the pre-old history, has challenged the owner Daniel Kijerin,
Who calls himself the title of magician, to be able to revive life in
Decaying houses of this town as described, and already has the hotel officials digging
Several rooms in the beautifully rocks, and it took 10 years
Of hard work and continuous, and the result was great in the end and unique
And you see 18 rooms
And six wings engraved inside rocks and natural shine light candles,
All fitted with modern facilities and all connections that connects you with the world outside
Within your site inside the cave, and guaranteed room 70 euros per night.
Allowed "Le Grotte de chiva" a small number of furniture and
To allow the rocks to speak and stand out themselves, and furniture available
Making all of that is locally made of wood and iron
And was covered linen, in a way that facilitates the dismantling and installation of a new,
To add a natural atmosphere to the hotel's indoor air basin work
Shaped cavity within the rock, as well as
Thus meals rely mainly on all productions
Nature southern Italy, and the strangest thing is that this place is more appropriate
In Italy to monitor the flights of hawks and eagles.
Hotel attracts many tourists from within and outside Italy
Who have Ihon experience new and out of the place and time,
Many feel that
Such a test should not be more than three days, has been
Filming many movies in this place when the film revolves in
Middle Ages.
The hotel has rooms mixed area, all with
Fixed height of up to six meters, and on the ceiling engraved drawings and writings
Old, also carved on the walls
So many cavities that are exploited like shelves or a library,
And outside the rooms was built rustic restaurant serving Italian food, a local
Restaurant Trottoria. The town can be reached Sassi
Easily; as far from Bari airport 60 kilometers, and 250 kilometers from the city of Naple.