Sunday, December 9, 2012

Corpse flower ... Strangest and the world's tallest flower

Thousands of visitors flocked to the park to watch the Brazilian rare flower called "Titan chromium", which is the largest flower in the world with a strange odor.

Called the strangest flower in the world, "corpse flower" that smells similar to the smell of meat mold, and began to open betals conjunction with last Christmas 25 (December) last. Fully open flower for 72 hours, and attract at this time many rotten smell insects like flies, beetles, according to what she said one of the workers in the garden "Anaotim" in the city of Rio DE Janeiro, Brazil, Patricia Oliveara.

Venus only live in West Sumatra, which is rare, it is difficult to take care of them being the need for 6 years to grow entirely. And last Thursday reached an altitude of Venus for about 5 feet 3 inches, or about 1.5 meters, but the height of up to 10 feet or 3 meters.

Oliveira said to the newspaper "Telegraph" The flower bloomed the first time in a month (December) of the year 2010, and when  betals bloom be temperature the same temperature of the human, helping to publish smell oasis. The flower was discovered for the first time in the year 1878 by the botanist  Italian  Eduardo Becari, and after 10 years bloomed in the garden of the British and the second time was in 1926.  The seed of this flower rare largest discovered to date, with a weight of 50 kg. Grow in the forests of Sumatra.

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